Along time ago near Mistra there was a wondrous and large tree
that overlooked the plain of Sparta. Now this was not an ordinary
tree, it was said to be the largest tree in the whole world.
Unfortunately it no longer exists in our day as some careless fool burnt it
by accident in days long past.
During the Ottoman occupation there was a Governor who
wanted a feast in his honor. The Governor ordered that his feast was
to occur in the location that overlooked the plain. When the food was
ready and the festivities had begun, he sat down to eat.
The Governor had with him a young Christian Sheppard boy who
was his servant. The young servant gazing from this wondrous position could
see the beautiful plain of Sparta that was surrounded by
mountains and interlinking rivers, and he sighed. The
Governor saw the boy sigh and asked him "What is it that makes
you sigh?". "What is there not to sigh about?" the Sheppard
boy replied "These areas were ours once, and you have taken them
from us by force. I have hope in God that what is said will come true,
that after many years and ages these areas will be ours once
more." The Governor became enraged and said, "Do you
see this spit that was used to cook the food I ate?"
The Governor then shoved the spit into the ground and told the boy "The
same chance this spit has to become a tree and grow branches your
people have to become free.. and liberate this land from us."
The next day a miracle happened, a miracle that seemed to
indicate that there would be a day when the Sheppard's people would be
free. Out of the wood that the Governor stuck into the ground
sprouted a beautiful tree. The miraculous growth of the tree went
against the words of the Governor, and the people now new that this tree
prophesized a day when they would be free..
This myth was used to bring hope to the Greek people during
the time of the cruel 400 years of Turkish rule. It indicates that
there is hope in all circumstances even in times where it seems that no hope