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Greek Saying: 


A Parent's Curse

"As long as you have the blessing of your parents it does not matter even if you live in the mountains."  

This is an indication of the value that is placed on the blessing of a parent towards a child in a child's life.  It is considered a very bad omen in one's life if they lose the blessing of a parent.

What the saying basically says is that don't concern yourself with where you live, concern yourself with your parents blessing.  In such, it is better to live in the mountains then to not have the blessing of a parent.  

In Greek superstition a curse of a parent is considered dangerous, especially a curse of a mother. Be sure to check the Greek superstition surrounding the losing of the blessing of a parent The Danger of a Parent's Curse.


Directly Related:

The Good Bee · A tale about how a mother's curse should be feared, and her praise most wanted.
The Danger of a Parent's Curse · Take a look at the Greek Superstition surrounding the losing of  the blessing of a parent.


Other Greek Sayings:  


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