In the plain of
Argolida there was an unhealthy marsh known as the Lerni. This marsh
was filled with aquatic plants, rotten leaves, leeches, mosquitoes, and
ridden with disease. People could not live beside this marsh nor
could any animals. No one would venture near the marsh nor would
anyone ever live beside it, as it would occasionally overflow destroying the
surrounding crop land. When the marsh would overflow it would fill the
surrounding area with pestilence leaving it unsuitable for farming for many
In the marsh lived a hideous beast well known
as the Hydra. The Hydra had eight snake heads, and one head at the
center of its' body which was immortal. The Hydra would hide itself in
the abyss of the marsh, wrapping its' heads around the branches of the trees
of the marshland so that they may rest. At times the fearful beast not
satisfied with remaining in the marsh would drag itself out of the marsh
across the surrounding landscape. Outside of it the Hydra would
destroy everything in its' path, and would eat unlucky animals or humans that
unfortunately came
in its' path! The Hydra would grab its' victims with its' many heads and
proceed to drag them to the marsh where it would drown them in the swamp.
Hercules uncle Euristhea wishing to see Hercules
die so that he would not steal his kingdom, see Hercules
goes to Delphi, said to Hercules, "You must kill the Hydra as
one of your tasks to redeem yourself." Hercules set out on his task to kill the Hydra and soon
he arrived at the plain of Argolida. As Hercules approached the swamp
he met on the road the nephew of Iolas who he took with him on his
Near the edge of the marsh Hercules set up camp, from there
Hercules began to shoot arrows with their tips set alight into the
marsh. Iolas's nephew would light the tip of the arrows and then pass
the arrows to Hercules who would proceed to shoot them into the marsh, in
this manner they hoped to force the Hydra out of its' resting place. Soon the
Hydra appeared and lunged towards them in anger trying to kill them in a fit of