Greek Spider: Help Information
  • If you are using the Directory:
    1. A site is placed in the category or categories it is most related to. For example a music site would fall under both the Arts & Literature category and the Entertainment category. Upon looking for a site try to determine what category the site is most likely to fall under.
    2. If you still have problems try using are search facility, if that does not help you please contact us at: Greek Spider Help
  • If you are using the Search Facility:
    1. The search facility allows you to search the links that are in the current category or in all the categories. The search facility also allows you to search for sites specifically in the *.gr or *.cy domains.
    2. The search facility defaults to Any terms. The result of searching using any terms will be the oring of all keywords you entered, for example Greek history would find all sites that had the keywords Greek or history.  The search facility will find all matches to "Greek History" first and then if does not find any it will proceed to initial matches for "Greek" or "History"
    3. If  you use All Terms you will get a more precise result. What this means is that if you enter Greek history the search facility would look for all sites that have the words Greek and history only. In the default search, do not enter anything other than the keywords you would like to search for.

If your problems persist try searching for specific keywords one at a time. If that does not help please contact us at: Greek Spider Help


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