was a very famous ancient Greek, and is known today as the "Father of
Medicine". Hippocrates was born on the island of Kos (Cos)
several hundred years before the birth of Christ. He practiced his
chosen art
of medicine in several cities throughout the ancient Greek world, and in Athens
during it's Golden Age. Take a look at the ancient Greek Phidias for
information on Athens during this time period. Hippocrates was finally
laid to rest in
the Greek city of Larissa in Thessaly.
Hippocrates believed that human disease had only natural
causes. The medicine which he practiced removed the treatment of
disease from religion. Until this time the treatment of illness had
been tied to superstition and religion. Even though he lived on an
island where temples existed to the god Aesclepius, the god of healing, he
never formed a connection with the priests that operated these temples, nor
the temple hospitals the priests operated.

The God Asclepius: God of Healing
By the removing of religion and superstition from medicine,
Hippocrates turned medicine into a science as well as an art. Before
Hippocrates superstition and religion clouded the minds of man.
In the medicine Hippocrates practiced he applied logic and reason to the treatment of
his patients. The theories he
developed could be summed up in The Corpus Hippocratium. This collection
of medical writings is the oldest surviving complete medical collection. The Hippocratic
oath he developed for those who were to practice medicine was based on loyalty,
honor and virtue among other noble traits. Throughout the world many
medical schools still have their students take this oath. Take a look
at: The oath of Hippocrates, "The Hippocratic Oath".
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Look at an Ancient
Quote from Hippocrates which indicates the noble qualities which he