was a very famous ancient Greek sculptor who lived during the "Golden
Age of Athens". During the period he lived in Athens it was the
superpower of the ancient world. This was the time when Athens along
with the other Greek city-states defeated the powerful Persian empire.
A time when Athens became leader of a powerful alliance of ancient Greek
city-states, formed with a common goal of defending their homeland.
It is said that civilization reached its greatest height
during this era. At no time has humanity progressed so rapidly as
during the golden age of Athens, "The Age of Pericles". A
great portion of Greek civilization and what Greece attributed to western
civilization occurred during this time period.
The powerful alliance that Athens ruled over was known as
the Delian League. Members of the alliance could contribute ships or
tribute to the defense of the alliance. Most of the members gave
tribute. Athens then used this tribute to build its' city to be the
glory of the ancient world.
With the vast amount of money Athens collected Pericles the
leader of Athens called on his friend Phidias to undertake a massive
project. The project was to create a monument to the glory of
Athens. A monument to the city of Athens that would be remembered for
all time.

The great sculptor Phidias at work.
With several billion dollars in today's currency, and
thousands of workers Phidias began to build the Parthenon. In the end
under Phidias's masterful direction many beautiful art works were created,
art works that glorified the Athenian victory over Persia. Even the
masterful Phidias could not believe the glory he created.
Phidias was the creator of the Athena statue that resided in
the Parthenon, the symbol of Athens. He also created one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world when he created the massive sculpture to Zeus
at Olympia.