The first woman to be created in ancient Greek myth was
known as Pandora. Pandora was said to have been created by Hephaestus.
Pandora's name meant all gifted and was attributed to all the gifts the gods
bestowed upon her. The gods gave her many gifts, the gift of music
from Apollo, beauty from Aphrodite, and many others.
Epimetheus her new found companion gladly accepted her, even
though his brother had clearly warned him to be wary of any gifts
received from the god Zeus.
Epimetheus had a large box in his house and in this
box he
held the plagues of the world. Epimetheus warned Pandora to never open the
box, but Pandora overcome with curiosity wished to know what the box contained. One day Pandora heard a voice beckoning her to look
into the box, and on this day Pandora slipped of the lid and took a
peek. At that instant a multitude of plagues that had been trapped escaped
and befell on man gout, envy, spite, revenge and all that is
disgusting in man.

Pandora letting out the plagues.
Pandora quickly realized her mistake and tried to place the
lid back on the box, but alas it was too late.. However at the bottom
of the box remained one last thing and that was hope. Hope than sprang out
and joined the plagues in the world, to give us comfort in difficult
times. Regardless of what happens hope will always remain.