In the beginning their was only Chaos. Chaos was a
dark and silent existence. After Chaos Gaea the earth came into
existence. Gaea was to become the immortal loving mother of the gods
and humanity.
Gaea had a son who was named Uranus. Uranus who was
heaven covered the entire world with his form. Gaea and Uranus had many children bringing forth more immortal gods. These gods
were the Titans, the Cyclops, and the hundred hands.
Uranus feared his children as he believed that one day they
would attempt to take his throne. Every time Gaea would have
a child Uranus would take it and bury it in the depths of Gaea, the earth.

The Titan Cronus
Geae wept for her children and where they had been
placed. Gaea decided that she had to revenge the cruelty that Uranus
had perpetrated on their children. One night as Uranus was sleeping
low upon Gaea, Gaea took her son Cronos out from her depths. Gaea gave Cronus a
sickle and told Cronus to wound his father with it.
The great Titan Cronus arose from his mother without fear,
attacking Uranus Cronus wounded him with the sickle. The god Uranus wounded by his son
poured out great amounts of blood from his wound. The god became so
weakened that he rose high above the earth, never to reach low
onto Gaea (the earth), again.
the blood of Uranus fell onto the earth and mixed with the soil it brought
forth the Giants, the Nymphs, and the Nereids. At this time the waves lapped over
Gaea creating froth as one drop of Uranus's blood mixed with the froth
the goddess Aphrodite was born and came into existence.
The god Cronus then became ruler and god of the entire world.